Completed Projects & Programs
2012 to 2016
PLCEHD-1 Dinajpur (Kaharal) District Phase 1,2,3,4
Donor: BNFE & World Bank
Target participants: 170000 Man & Women
Activity: Provide education, Vocational training, Skill training, Basic training, job placement, Entrepreneurship development. Links for Other NGOs & Marketing support.
Purpose: Poverty reduction through employment creation
Result: Employment creation, income generation and increase awareness
2012 to 2017
PLCEHD-2 Tangail District
Donor: BNFE & ADB
Target Participants: 66000 Man & Women
Activity: Provide education, Vocational training, Skill training,, Basic training, job placement, Entrepreneurship development. Links for Other NGOs & Marketing support.
Purpose: Poverty reduction through employment creation
Result: Employment creation, income generation and increase awareness
2012 to 2017
South-Western Bangladesh Rural Development Project (SWBRDP)
Donor: LGED
Target participants: 4500 LCS Female, Shop owners FSO.
Activity: Training on Gender and Social awareness, Savings and Credit Management, Skill development and Income Generating Training, Savings and Credit management, Product development, Training on women rights, Entrepreneurship, Development, Gender, Environment, Health & personal Hygiene, Supply & value chain, Business etc.
Purpose: Skill development, awareness of the LSC Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
Result: Mainstreaming the out-reach LCS Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
2013 to 2017
Climate Change
Target Participants: 2800 Man & Women
Activity: Climate change & Environment, Awareness Buildup.
Purpose: Skill development, awareness of Male & Female.
Result: Aware the Environment & Climate change
2014 to 2018
PLCEHD-2 Panchagar District
Donor: BNFE & ADB
Target participants: 120000 Man & Women
Activity: Provide education, Vocational training, Skill training, Basic training, job placement, Entrepreneurship development. Links for Other NGOs & Marketing support.
Purpose: Poverty reduction through employment creation
Result: Employment creation, income generation and increase awareness
2015 to 2018
Protection on Child Labor
Donor: Ministry of Labour and Employment
Target Participants: 45000 Child Labor in five years
Activity: Vocational training for many trades.
Purpose: Skill development for child Labor.
Result: They are skill development for Vocational training.
2015 to 2019
Women Training Center- WTC, Sadar Dinajpur
Donor: DWA-WFP
Target Participants: 5000 women in 5 years
Activity: IGA skill training on Embroidery, Caruchupi, Tailoring, Tai-dai, Butic and Savings, Food for work.
Purpose: Reduce vulnerability of VGD women & Income generating activities.
Result: Employment creation, income generation.
2016 to 2020
IGA training program Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (RIIP-2), Dhaka, Coumilla, Norshindi, Tangail, Mymenshingh
Donor: LGED
Target participants: 3500 Women
Activity: LCS/FSO group operation and management, Saving & Saving management, Bank transaction and management, Entrepreneurship development, Idea on income generating activities (IGA), Health and environment matters / issues (partly together with), Legal rights, marriage and marriage registration, Disaster management issues, Awareness on education for all Road safety for members, Off-pavement maintenance and tree plantation/care taking (training to be conducted from LGED/UE offices)
Purpose: skill development, awareness of the LSC women
Result: Mainstreaming the out-reach LCS women.
2017 to 2018
Vulnerable Group Developme-nt Programme –VGD Khanshama
Donor: MoWCA-DWA
Target participants: 2450 per year VGD women and family.
Activity: management of natural disaster, Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness, Mother & Child Health, Food and Nutrition, Gender equality & women empowerment, HIV/AIDS prevention, Goat & Cow rearing, Vegetable gardening, Poultry rearing, Entrepreneurship development training. Savings, links for Other NGOs.
Purpose: Reduce vulnerability of VGD women.
Result: Employment creation, income generation
2018 to 2020
Basic Training program for LCS women (RIP-2) , Rangpur, Kurigram, Gaibandha
Donor: LGED
Target participants: 1700 LCS Female, Shop owners FSO.
Activity: Market assessment, Product development, Training on women rights, entrepreneurship, Development, Gender, Environment, Health & personal Hygiene, Supply & value chain, Business etc.
Purpose: Skill development, awareness of the LSC Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
Result: Mainstreaming the out-reach LCS Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
2019 to 2020
Basic training program for LCS women (RIP-2) Rangpur
Donor: LGED
Target participants: 1450 LCS Female, Shop owners FSO.
Activity: Market assessment, Product development, Training on women rights, Entrepreneurship, Development, Gender, Environment, Health & personal Hygiene, Supply & value chain, Business etc.
Purpose: Skill development, awareness of the LSC Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
Result: Mainstreaming the out-reach LCS Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
2019 to 2020
Basic Training program for LCS women (RIP-2) , Coumilla, Norshindi, Tangail, Mymenshingh, Dhaka
Donor: LGED
Target participants: 3500 LCS Female, Shop owners FSO.
Activity: Market assessment, Product development, Training on women rights, Entrepreneurship, Development, Gender, Environment, Health & personal Hygiene, Supply & value chain, Business etc.
Purpose: Skill development, awareness of the LSC Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
Result: Mainstreaming the out-reach LCS Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
2019 to 2020
Basic Training program for LCS women (RIP-2) , Coumilla, Norshindi, Tangail, Mymenshingh, Dhaka
Donor: LGED
Target participants: 3500 LCS Female, Shop owners FSO.
Activity: Market assessment, Product development, Training on women rights, Entrepreneurship, Development, Gender, Environment, Health & personal Hygiene, Supply & value chain, Business etc.
Purpose: Skill development, awareness of the LSC Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
Result: Mainstreaming the out-reach LCS Male, Female, Shop owner FSO.
2019 to 2020
Vulnerable Group Development Programme –VGD Kaharol, Dinajpur
Donor: MoWCA-DWA
Target participants: 2100 per year VGD women and family.
Activity: management of natural disaster, Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness, Mother & Child Health, Food and Nutrition, Gender equality & women empowerment, HIV/AIDS prevention, Goat & Cow rearing, Vegetable gardening, Poultry rearing, Entrepreneurship development training. Savings, links for Other NGOs.
Purpose: Reduce vulnerability of VGD women.
Result: Employment creation, income generation
2019 to 2020
Vulnerable Group Developme-nt Programme –VGD Khanshama
Donor: MoWCA-DWA
Target participants: 2300 per year VGD women and family.
Activity: Management of natural disaster, Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness, Mother & Child Health, Food and Nutrition, Gender equality & women empowerment, HIV/AIDS prevention, Goat & Cow rearing, Vegetable gardening, Poultry rearing, Entrepreneurship development training. Savings, links for Other NGOs.
Purpose: Reduce vulnerability of VGD women.
Result: Employment creation & IG
2015 to 2017
Training program for disability Birol, Dinajpur
Donor: CDD, Dhaka
Target participants: 500 disable family
Activity: Provide trade base skill development training to the differently able people.
Purpose: Capacity building of differently able people and make them productive for their livelihood improvement
Result: 500 disable peoples family have been trained and increase their income through business set-up.
2015 to 2017
Fisheries Project Chatmohor, Vangura, Pabna
Donor: Fisheries Dept.
Target participants: 2669 Fisher’s
Activity: Provide training to the stakeholder, Fisheries management, Group management, Business management, IGA training, Provide loan support, Group formation. Awareness & mobilization, Savings.
Purpose: Poverty reduction through employment creation
Result: develop alternative income source of the fishermen, sanctuary creation.
2015 to 2017
Disability and Development through training, Birol, Dinajpur
Donor: Center for Disability and Development CDD-LGED
Target participants: 500 disability
Activity: Provide trade base skill development training to the differently able people.
Purpose: Capacity building of differently able people and make them productive for their livelihood improvement
Result: 50 disable peoples family have been trained and increase their income through business set-up.
2012 to 2017
Kurbani program Sadar, Dinajpur
Donor: Islamic Relief World Wide
Target participants: 900
Activity: Distribution Cow meat for poor people.
Purpose: To celebrate Eid-ul-Azha by the poor Muslim families. To increase food intake of the poor Muslim families.
Result: To enable the poor Muslim families for sharing enjoyment of the Eid-ul-Azha.
2008 to 2012
Participation of Adolescent in Nutrition Improvement (PANI)
Target participants: 1350
Activity: Training and retreat, awareness, peer educator creation, nutritional awareness, HIV awareness
Purpose: motivate the adolescent and reduce maternal health hazard.
Result: 1350 adolescent were aware and reduce health hazard and risk of HIV.
2015 to 2016
Special Program for Food Security (SPFS)
Donor: FAO-GoB
Target participants: 17845
Activity: Awareness Creation on CBO, training on financial management, VBO management skill development.
Purpose: VBO institutional capacity strengthening, awareness building and training
Result: Friendly attitude was found among the trainee. Develop self-help group, reduced poverty.
2008 to 2012
Fourth Fisheries
Donor: Dept. of Fisheries
Target participants: 1377
Activity: Alternative IGA skill training, Awareness of fisherman, marketing support and monitoring.
Purpose: Poverty reduction through employment creation
Result: develop alternative income source of the fishermen, sanctuary creation.
2004 to 2008
Prevention of family indebted-ness with microfinance
Donor: ILO
Target participants: 2951
Activity: Alternative IGA skill training, Awareness of fisherman, marketing support and monitoring.
Purpose: Poverty reduction through employment creation
Result: develop alternative income source of the fishermen, sanctuary creation.
2002 to 2004
Adarsha Gram Project-2
Donor: Ministry of Land
Target participants: 1779
Activity: Provide Housing Loan to the stakeholder, Credit management, Group management, Saving’s, ‘Business management, IGA training, Provide loan support, Group formation. Awareness & mobilization.
Purpose: support to save house for poor people.
Result: develop Housing Project of the Stack Holder.
Prevention & protection of victim of human trafficking in Bangladesh
Donor: IOM
Target participants: 4249
Activity: training, Awareness motivation & legal aid support.
Purpose: Awareness buildup and support to victim.
Result: Protection of human trafficking in Bangladesh
2003 to 2004
Social Investment program project (SIPP)
Donor: Social Development Foundation
Target participants: 1377
Activity: Training; Rights-, Legal Aids Service; Health; Education; Sanitation Nutrition; Local mediation; Good Governance; Gender;
Purpose: Advocacy; Social Mobilization
Result: Friendly attitude was found among the trainees. Develop self-help groups, reduce poverty.
2014 to 2016
The international program on the elimination of child labor
Donor: ILO
Target participants: 1200
Activity: Stop child labor, Awareness, Training; Rights; Legal Aids Service;
Purpose: Stop child labor
Result: reduced child labor.